Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Finally, some new photos!

Sorry it's been so long. School and wedding plans have somewhat taken over my life. Funny how that happens. Anyhow, a couple of weeks ago, Jordan and I had a chance to work with wedding photographer Garrett Nudd. It was for our digital photography class. We got a tour of his studio in Chattanooga, then went out onto the streets around the studio with a model for some really neat urban portraits. My model was my good friend, Emily.

Here's just a taste. There are more on my Picasa page.

From Emily's Photo Shoot

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Camera Coming!

I won my first auction on eBay recently and bought an old Kodak Duaflex III fixed focus camera. It's a box camera from the '50s I believe. I'm planning on getting my hands on some film and running a test roll through it as soon as I can. When I see what comes out, I'll post them on my Flickr page and on here. Keep a look out!

This is what I just bought.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Fall Foliage!

Or "foilage" as Aaron calls it. heehee

Here is a taste of the color I talked about in my Inimitable Introspection blog.


Go see more on my Flickr page.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

A Maine Adventure

My Uncle Danny took my brother and I on an adventure of the Portland coast this week. Here are the choice digital photos from the day. There are more film photos, but they have yet to be developed. (I've acquired quite a collection of need-to-be-developed film!

So, without further ado...

Waiting Escape



Twisted Fate

Geometric Sentinels

Thursday, June 28, 2007


They say you shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill. But mountains are there so we can learn how to climb. So you would think that mountains would be better than molehills, right?

A molehill is just a speedbump, if you go fast enough, you don't even notice it. Mountains, however, are not so easy to skim over. You go fast enough, and you crash headlong into them and do a lot of damage.

But if you go too slow, you really feel the effects of the molehill. That may even do a little damage. And if you go too slow, you won't ever even get to the mountains.

So which is preferable? The molehill? Or the mountain?

Or is it all perspective?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Painted Planter

For Father's Day, we did lots and lots of yard work. All of us had a job to do. Hannah and Leah were weeding, Mom was organizing, Aaron was mowing, I was cleaning. Sam was in charge of watering plants. She took her job very seriously, and spent the longest time pouring water from milk jugs into a smaller cup so she could water the little plants gently.

I took this picture while she was pouring water. I loved how her shoes were tossed behind her.

When I took the picture into photoshop, I just wanted to see if I could play with the levels enough to make it "pop." Instead, I used a filter on it to turn it into this painted picture. Click to see it full size, it's so much better!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


We were going for a walk down by school, Debbie, Aaron, Alyssa, and I. Along the way, we spotted this section of dried vines. It looked like a great spot to take a picture, so we did!

I named it "Caught" because it looks like I caught Debbie trying to sneak off into a fantasy world. (I admit, I did tweak the photo a bit to give it the glow)

That's all I've got for right now, I'll work on getting some more recent stuff up here soon.