Friday, July 21, 2006


Summertime is sunny. Don't you think? It's warm, and sometimes breezy, usually really nice. It's laundry-hanging weather!

The other day, laundry had been hung on our back clothesline. It was getting to be later in the day, and the things were dry, so I went out to take them down and bring them in.

I started closest to the house, bath towels were hanging there. They had dried slightly stiff and scratchy from lack of a dryer sheet tumbling through them. I worked my way down the line, through t-shirts, dish towels, Sam's dresses, and a few more bath towels.

The laundry basket was almost full when I came to a spot on the line that lined up with the setting sun. I stood there for a minute, just looking (and waving at the cloud of mosquitoes and horse flies that were surrounding me), before I called for my sister to bring me my camera.

The sunshine filtering through the trees made the dress and clothespins in front of me glow with such life, it was beautiful! I hoped my sister would make it back with my camera before the light shifted and I lost the shot, or before I was carried away by the bugs.

She made it.


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