Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Picture this

On Christmas Eve, my family and I were in Maine visiting with my Mom's side of the family. After lunch, my Grampa brought out a box and set it on the table between all of us. He pulled out a book, and then another book, and at last a huge stack of old polaroids and black and white photographs. Some of the polaroids were discolored and cracked with age, and the black and whites had a few spots on them, but that just added to the character. The blemishes on the photos had as much of a story to tell as the people pictured within them.

The squeal that went up was incredible. These were photographs that my Mom and my Aunt's hadn't seen in years! In seconds the books were opened, and the stacks of photos were sprawled across the table.

There were photos of my Mom when she was a baby, of my Aunts when they were babies. The photos ran up until their teen years. I saw their "cute" uncles, old boyfriends, embarrassing baby pictures, and 6th grade school portraits. I heard the stories behind almost every picture, and they were more than interesting!

I'd seen pictures of when my Mom was younger before, but not this many! It was wonderful to be able to share in the reminiscing with all of them and hearing the stories.

This photo is for Mom, Shelley, Linda, and my Uncle Dan.