Thursday, July 27, 2006

Frizzy Curls

This week, my church has been putting on a Vacation Bible School. It runs from 9:30am to 11:30am, so we are usually up and out of here pretty early in the morning. It's a long, busy day, and my little sister Sam usually only gets a nap on the ride home. So, by the time this picture was taken, about 5pm today, she was pretty tired, running on empty. It was a humid day, so her hair had spun up into ringlets all over.

I don't really know why I love this picture so much. She's not smiling, her hair is a wreck, she's tired. But I love it. Maybe because it portrays the end result of the fun-filled, fast-paced day of a three and a half year old. How long has it been since we experienced that?

There are more pictures of Sam on my Flickr account if you are interested. Leave comments, and let me know what you think!


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